【同义词辨析】 2018-09-26 信赖rely-bank

rely: used with on and upon, implies a judgment based on experience or association that someone or something will never fail in giving or doing what one expects: a man one can ~ on in an emergency.  (fail: to let down, desert让人失望,抛弃,不履行,如When I needed his help he failed me当我需要他帮助时,他却使我失望)

trust: used with in or to, implies assurance based on faith that another will not fail one: ~ed in her own strength.       (美钞上In God we trust我们信赖上帝)

depend: used with on or upon, implies a resting on someone or something for support or assistance and often connotes weakness or lack of self-sufficiency: lost the compass on which their lives ~ed.

count, reckon: both used with on, impliesa taking into one's calculations as certain or assured: ~ed on his sister for help; a speaker who ~s on the intelligence of her audience; or they may mean little more than expect: they ~ed on staying with friends; ~ed they could always go home.

bank: used with on, expresses near or absolute certainty: you can ~ on his honesty.

rely信赖: 表示一种判断,即别人会给自己想要的做自己想做的,基于以往经验或双方关系,trust信赖: 意思相同,但表示基于信念(assurance based on faith),depend依赖: 表示依靠(rest on)外界支持帮助,因此暗示虚弱不能自足,count,reckon指望: 很确定有把握的信赖,或只是表示期待,bank绝对信赖: 绝对确信

记忆方法: 1)首字母RTDCB倒着念: 不错的同仁==>可以信赖

        2)信赖的意思是完全信心mean to have or place full confidence.     自立更生艰苦奋斗self-reliance & hard struggle.